
Free slender the eight pages download
Free slender the eight pages download

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Add to this the fact that we've seen pretty much identical gameplay from other Slender Man games and you have an experience which is long on atmosphere, but short on pretty much everything else. Slender: The Eight Pages (formerly called Slender) is a free-to-play indie-developed first-person survival horror video game released in June 2012 as a beta. Your only task is to seek out the eight pages, making the gameplay extremely limited and ultimately rather pointless. As such, things get boring quite quickly and which isn't helped by the fact that there really isn't anything to actually do here. However, the real problem here is that to get to the good bits, you have to wade through what eventually turns out to be pretty tedious stuff with little of any real substance actually occurring. The blowing of the wind or the various creaking noises which accompany your progress only add to your sense of unease and when you finally meet the Slender Man, things really do get cranked up a notch. Exploration is highly tense, as you tentatively head out in search of the manuscript, and which is helped no end by the minimalist but effective sound design. The Eight Pages is undeniably strong on atmosphere, although in a highly familiar fashion, and the initial moments of exploration, when you realise you are alone in the dark, are genuinely unnerving. You really don't want to run out of battery just when the Slender Man shows up, as this is where the terror truly begins. This torch is your only companion, but it does have a limited battery life, so you have to be careful how much you use it. You can expect to find yourself in a lonely forest at night, with no company but the ever whistling wind, or venturing cautiously into abandoned farm buildings and suchlike, armed with nothing more than a torch.


The game plays out in traditional first-person perspective, with the player exploring a series of creepy environments that are familiar from pretty much every other version of the legend and from other survival horror games. Slender The 8 Pages is the original survival horror game which takes the idea of the character, a tall, shadowy figure that causes memory loss and paranoia.

free slender the eight pages download

Your only goal in this game is to find the eight pages from a manuscript about the Slender Man, while desperately trying to avoid coming into contact with him. The Eight Pages takes the idea of the character, a tall, shadowy figure that causes memory loss, paranoia and fits in whoever sees him, and turns it into a simple, cut down first person adventure. The myth of the Slender Man doesn't appear to have its roots in any reality and instead started out as simply a rumor which has now spread like wildfire thanks to the Internet. Unfortunately, while this one shares the strong atmosphere of previous attempts, it falls down in the same ways as other games, in that it fails to provide any meaningful gameplay to back up its admittedly strong sense of brooding terror. Slender: The Eight Pages is another low-budget indie title that takes the Slender Man myth as its inspiration and attempts to weave it into a survival horror game.

Free slender the eight pages download